HIST 4422 Oral History: Theory, Practice, and Method

HIST 4422 Oral History: Theory, Practice, and Method (GLC-AS, HST-AS) (HTR)

Monday: 2:00-4:30 plus Independent Research

Professor Rachel Sandwell

This course explores the method of oral history in theory and practice, across different topics, contexts, and geographic/national terrains. It will consider questions like: what sorts of insights do oral histories enable? How can oral history as a method supplement, destabilize, and enrich existing historical accounts? What are the challenges and risks of oral histories, and how can historians mitigate those risks? What theoretical assumptions underlie oral historical work? Are certain topics more appropriate than others to oral historical investigations, and if so, why? We will explore these questions through reading a wide range of texts, hearing from oral historians about their work, and workshopping methods in class, as well as through independent research.

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Early model Studer professional tape recorder, 1969
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